2010. augusztus 1., vasárnap

Vegre vasarnap - What a week!

Eloszor kinyilt a fotostaskam kiesett egy objektivem, osszetorott, most javitjak, aztan bedoglott a szamitogepem, megcsinaltak, vegre nekiallhattam dolgozni, amikor a monitorom bedobta a torolkozot, javitjak. Csutortokon lementunk meglatogatni a szuleimet Szigetvarra, elloptak a telefonom, csak tegnap tudtam uj kartyat csinaltatni, vegre elerheto vagyok. Nos, a hetnek vege, remelem mas mar nem romlik el, vagy nem lopodik el, visszakapom a monitoromat, es atadhatom a munkaimat, amire hal istennek turelmesen varnak az ugyfeleim... koszonom

First my portrait lens fell out of my photo bag and needs to be fixed, then my computer stopped working and once they repaired that, then the monitor died. Then to top it all off, my mobile phone (which I just got) was stolen. So, if you have been trying to reach me, I was out of action for a couple of days, but now my phone (same number) and computer I both working again. Well, the week is now over, so hopefully I won't have any more problems with technology and I will be delivering the photos to those clients who have been patiently waiting.....THANK YOU!!

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